Thursday, April 10, 2008

Domestic Violence

What comes to your head when you think of domestic violence? When ever I think of domestic violence, I think of women getting hit by their husbands, or the other way around. But did you know that women and men are not the only ones that go through domestic violence? No, of course not. There is also children, pets, and animals that go through this. Can you imagine what kind of person would do this to someone that they "love"? I can, because I went through domestic violence as a young girl, and some of my early teen years. Domestic violence is nothing to be ashamed of, or something to make fun of, because unless you don't go through it you really don't know know how it feels. In this post I will be talking about domestic violence, and what is it that people, and animals really go though.

Domestic violence affects people every day. It may not be just the person that is actually going through it, but it may also be the people that are around them. When women are in a domestic violence relationship, they go through a lot of abuses. They go trough physical, sexual, mental, and emotional abuse. It doesn't matter what race, color, ethnic group they belong to, it can happen to any one at any time in their life. There has been a numerous cases over this problem. Maybe too many that the own government doesn't know what to do any more. There has been deaths, because of this problem. And lucky those of them that survive! How do you get in this kind of relationship? Well, it can be someone that is related to you, past or present boyfriend, or past or present husband. The first thing that most women do in this case, is they don't report it right when it happens. They wait and see if they change, or give them another chance. But they don't know the harm that they are doing to themselves when they permit this to themselves. But minority of the other women report it right away when it happens, which is a very good thing not only for themselves but for people around them. Most of the victims also get abused sexually, meaning rape, sexual harassment, or foundling/fingering. They also get abused mentally. Like for example, they talk bad stuff to them, or just messing with their head. Cheating is also considered mental, emotional abuse. I didn't even know that, until I did the research! They can get abused emotionally, by always thinking about what she should do in her situation. That not also affects her self esteem, but also causes stress, especially if there are children around the house that get to watch this stuff. Now that I told you what I need to tell you about that subject, now it brings me to my next subject. Which my next subject is children and domestic violence.

Children that are in domestic violence relationships, are not only abused mentally, but also emotionally. But those that are the victims of domestic violence, are abused physically, sexually, mentally, and emotionally. There is a big difference between those children that are the victims and those that are just witnesses. The big difference is what the children actually go through. I was a witness, and a victim of domestic violence, so I know what children go through. I witnessed so many things and I went through so many things. You really don't know what children go trough, until it actually happens. I'm not saying that I wish that it would happen to anyone, but that is why I will give you a look of what goes through in their place. When children are victims they can be abused sexually, like for example: rape, sexual harassment, foundling/fingering. There has been millions of cases that little girls get pregnant by their own family members. Then some family doesn't do anything about it, because they either want to protect the family, or just because they know is true and don't want to believe it. But they don't know how much damage they are causing the victim, and themselves. Then there is emotional problems. The kids can have problems when they grow up as adults or as teenagers. When this happens, the kid has to either get psycology, or therapy. If this doesn't happen, then the kid can have serious problems. But it also depends on what they witnessed, or how much they went through it. For example, I witnessed a lot of things that kids don't even have to think about. I witnessed it since I was about 6 years old to when I was 14. There was times that I wanted to leave the house, but what stopped me was my two younger brothers. I felt like if I was being selfish, and only thinking about myself, and letting them live hell. But as the years past, it got worst. It stopped when my mom finally decided to leave the house with us, and he felt solitude. Now I think about those times, and I feel like I had to live that so I can understand other people that go and went through it, so I can write about it and try to inspire people so they can do and help people that go through this. Then there is also when kids go through physical abuse. They either get hit or they get beaten. There has been cases, when the parents lock them in the basement, or in their rooms. a good example of this is a man named Dave Pelzer. I admire this man so much, because of what he had to go through as a little boy, and teen. He really inspired me when I first read his book " A Child Called It". He really literary brought tears in my eyes. I recommend for any person to read this book, its a really touching book.
Now I will talk about animals being in domestic violence. Not only humans go through domestic violence, but animals go through it too. But the sad thing is that animals and pets cant talk, and do something about it. But imagine if they would have a voice to talk out loud, imagine all the things that they would say? I sometimes imagine, and I get surprised about it. Animals get abused emotionally, physically, and sometimes even death. There are more than millions of cases about animals getting hurt everyday. There is a research that animal abuse is very similar to as child abuse. That is why now there are more and more communities that are helping out this social problem. there are more and more people that are donating their time to help, and save these poor, defenseless animals. So next time think about animals as humans and start helping out. You can help out just by adopting, or donating money to them.